5 Mac 2011, Sabtu
Laman Menara Jam, Dataran Shah Alam
5 petang - 12 tengah malam
Laman Menara Jam, Dataran Shah Alam
5 petang - 12 tengah malam
peta ke lokasi
Edisi 18 kami akan berkoloborasi bersama Kempen PerlembagaanKu/MyConstitution dan Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (Jom bangkit) untuk pra-lancar album 'Radio Demokratika' yang akan dilancarkan secara rasmi pada 2 April di acara RockRock MyConsti di Fort Cornwallis, Pulau Pinang
Persembahan daripada:
Pra-lancar Radio Demokratika oleh Barcode
An Honest Mistake http://www.facebook.com/anhonestmistake
The Maharajah Commission www.myspace.com/themaharajahcommission
Thin Izzy
Lord Bobo's Minions
Amirah Ali http://www.facebook.com/amirahalimusic
The Casual Passengers
Moi Last Von http://www.facebook.com/pages/Moi-Last-Von/188198169551
Fuchsia http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fuchsia/106338856088411
Nusafara http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nusafara/109516889105143?v=info
Perewa Muda http://perewa-mencariperawi.blogspot.com
Andenn Hassan http://www.cintabunuhdiri.blogspot.com
Ronasina http://kulupsakah.blogspot.com
HOCY http://panahmindanasionalis.blogspot.com
Bazar sekali lagi dari Bijou Bazaar!
Tentang Pekan Frinjan
Pekan Frinjan adalah salah satu inisiatif kelompok Frinjan bertujuan untuk membudayakan masyarakat. Ini dilakukan dengan membawa pelbagai aktiviti seni dan kebudayaan terus kepada masyarakat umum, khususnya di laman massa dan jalanan. Dengan mempersembahkan seni dan budaya dalam bentuk “pop”, diharapkan masyarakat akan terus mahu mendekati bahan berteraskan intelektualisme. Ini penting dalam membentuk sebuah negara dan persekitaran bertamadun yang tidak hanya mementingkan pembangunan ekonomi semata-mata.
Frinjan ialah entiti sifar-untung yang dijayakan oleh kelompok bebas. Matlamatnya ialah untuk menganjurkan aktiviti jalanan bersifat semi-komersil dengan suntikan literari, pembudayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan sosial
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:
013 299 0192 : Farhan
010 512 6836 : Zulhabri
017 699 7684 : Naha
atau emel ke frinjan@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49867373732&ref=ts
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/frinjan
Blog: http://frinjan.blogspot.com/
Acara ini dianjurkan oleh kumpulan Frinjan dengan sokongan dari Tourism Selangor dan turut dibantu oleh MBSA dan rakan kongsi kami - Bijou Bazaar, Perlembagaanku dan Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia.
Edisi 18 kami akan berkoloborasi bersama Kempen PerlembagaanKu/MyConstitution dan Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (Jom bangkit) untuk pra-lancar album 'Radio Demokratika' yang akan dilancarkan secara rasmi pada 2 April di acara RockRock MyConsti di Fort Cornwallis, Pulau Pinang
Tentatif acara
5.00pm - Bazar oleh 'Bijou Bazaar' dan 'Frinjan' dibuka
8.45pm - Persembahan bermula
9.00pm - Pra-lancar album 'Radio Demokratika'
9.15pm - Persembahan bersambung
12.00am - Tamat
Pra-lancar Radio Demokratika oleh Barcode
An Honest Mistake http://www.facebook.com/anhonestmistake
The Maharajah Commission www.myspace.com/themaharajahcommission
Thin Izzy
Lord Bobo's Minions
Amirah Ali http://www.facebook.com/amirahalimusic
The Casual Passengers
Moi Last Von http://www.facebook.com/pages/Moi-Last-Von/188198169551
Fuchsia http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fuchsia/106338856088411
Nusafara http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nusafara/109516889105143?v=info
Perewa Muda http://perewa-mencariperawi.blogspot.com
Andenn Hassan http://www.cintabunuhdiri.blogspot.com
Ronasina http://kulupsakah.blogspot.com
HOCY http://panahmindanasionalis.blogspot.com
Bazar sekali lagi dari Bijou Bazaar!
Tentang Pekan Frinjan
Pekan Frinjan adalah salah satu inisiatif kelompok Frinjan bertujuan untuk membudayakan masyarakat. Ini dilakukan dengan membawa pelbagai aktiviti seni dan kebudayaan terus kepada masyarakat umum, khususnya di laman massa dan jalanan. Dengan mempersembahkan seni dan budaya dalam bentuk “pop”, diharapkan masyarakat akan terus mahu mendekati bahan berteraskan intelektualisme. Ini penting dalam membentuk sebuah negara dan persekitaran bertamadun yang tidak hanya mementingkan pembangunan ekonomi semata-mata.
Frinjan ialah entiti sifar-untung yang dijayakan oleh kelompok bebas. Matlamatnya ialah untuk menganjurkan aktiviti jalanan bersifat semi-komersil dengan suntikan literari, pembudayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan sosial
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:
013 299 0192 : Farhan
010 512 6836 : Zulhabri
017 699 7684 : Naha
atau emel ke frinjan@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49867373732&ref=ts
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/frinjan
Blog: http://frinjan.blogspot.com/
Acara ini dianjurkan oleh kumpulan Frinjan dengan sokongan dari Tourism Selangor dan turut dibantu oleh MBSA dan rakan kongsi kami - Bijou Bazaar, Perlembagaanku dan Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia.
27 million Malaysians. 11 million voters. 4 million more eligible Malaysians who haven’t registered to vote. A Federal Constitution that guarantees all of us rights, freedoms and a democratic system of government that answers to us. But how many Malaysians know this?
The MyConstitution Campaign
The MyConstitution Campaign has been running since November 2009. Our aim is to educate Malaysians from all walks of life on the Federal Constitution, to teach them about their rights and our system of government. We run forums and workshops all across Malaysia, from universities to schools, from Orang Asli kampungs to the cities and towns of East Malaysia. We publish “The Rakyat Guides”, booklets that explain in simple language, what the Federal Constitution says.
The Campaign is non-profit and the dedicated 200 Malaysians in the Bar Council’s Constitutional Law Committee who run this Campaign do it on a voluntary basis.
A song is an expression of free speech. Making music is the freedom to express yourself. Musicians coming together to make music is freedom of association. Fans coming together to listen to music is freedom of assembly.
Music is an assertion of democracy and with it, the exploration of the themes rights, elections and democracy. These themes are the subject matters of the recently released The Rakyat Guides: 8. Fundamental Liberties & Citizenship and the forthcoming The Rakyat Guides: 9. Elections & Democracy.
We could think of no better way to demonstrate the fundamental rights we are all guaranteed under the Federal Constitution than to make an album about it.
We have brought together an eclectic bunch of people to tell you in their own irreverent, sometimes irascible but always insightful style what fundamental rights, elections and democracy are to them.
We hope that in some small and meaningful way, it sparks in you the freedom to ask questions you never thought possible and empower your lives.
Your Rights and Freedoms
– Fundamental and Guaranteed!
Do you know what your rights and freedoms are? Do you know what they mean? Here are some of the rights and freedoms the Federal Constitution guarantees all of us:-
You have a right to life and personal liberty. Having a right to life means you have a right to livelihood and a certain quality of life. Having a right to liberty also means having a right to privacy.
All of us are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection of the law. We cannot be discriminated against simply because of our religion, ethnicity, descent, place of birth or gender. There are exceptions, but these exceptions are few.
You also have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and freedom to associate. So, you are free to say what you want, get together with whomever you want and form a group for whatever reason you want. Again, these freedoms can be restricted, but only for reasons permitted by the Constitution and must only be where they are reasonably necessary.
You have the freedom to profess and practise any religion you want.
You cannot be discriminated in education only because of religion, race, descent or place of birth.
Learn more about your rights and freedoms in the The Rakyat Guides: 8. Fundamental Liberties & Citizenship details of which are available on www.perlembagaanku.com
Elections and Democracy
The Federal Constitution sets up a system for the governance of Malaysia. It is a “democratic” system which means that the people of Malaysia decide on who is to run the country.
We elect the Members of Parliament (MPs) who sit in the Dewan Rakyat in Parliament. These MPs make laws for the whole country and oversee how the Federal Government runs the country.
By electing MPs to the Dewan Rakyat, we also decide who forms the Federal Government. This is because the Prime Minister of the country is the MP who has the confidence of the majority of the MPs in the Dewan Rakyat. This normally means that the leader of the political party that has the most MPs in the Dewan Rakyat will become the Prime Minister of the country. The other Ministers who form the Federal Government are appointed with the approval of the Prime Minister.
We also elect members of the State Assembly (ADUNs) of our respective States. These ADUNs make laws for their respective States and oversee how their State Government runs the State.
By electing ADUNs to a State Assembly, we also decide who forms the Government of that State. This is because the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar of the State is the ADUN who has the confidence of the majority of the ADUNs in the State Assembly. This normally means that the leader of the political party that has the most ADUNs in the State Assembly will become the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar of the State. The other members of the State Government are appointed with the approval of the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar.
Learn more about elections in the The Rakyat Guides: 9. Elections & Democracy details of which are available on www.perlembagaanku.com
Learn more about the MyConstitution Campaign and RadioDemokratika at:
• www.perlembagaanku.com
• www.malaysianbar.org.my/constitutional_law_committee
• www.facebook.com/MyConstitution
• www.twitter.com/MyConsti
• www.youtube.com/user/PerlembagaanKu
If you have any queries or if you’d like to contribute to the Campaign, send us an e-mail to perlembagaanku@gmail.com
or write to:
Constitutional Law Committee
Bar Council Secretariat
No. 15, Leboh Pasar Besar
50050 Kuala Lumpur
t:03.2031.3003 // f: 03.2026.1313
barcode are See Xien on vox, Paul Linus Andrews on both acoustic & electric guitars, Cilia Chong & Soo Jin Yun on keys, Farez Jinnah on bass, Khor Bin Yun on drums; with the fun sizes - Maha Balakrishnan, Cilia Chong, Khor Bin Yun, Joanne Leong, Melissa Sasidaran, Soo Jin Yun, Yvonne Young Ai Peng - on backing vox, and claps by the fun sizes and Syahredzan Johan.
A call to action led to several brave and sexy members of the MyConstitution campaign coming together to record the official campaign theme song.
Comprising of students, practising lawyers, loyar murtad and everything in between, all are nonetheless committed to the cause and to making good music! After being ‘whispered’ to by professional musician Zalila Lee, the band was ready to kick ass and present this track to you lovely listeners.
This is but the first step in a twofold journey of enlightenment and entertainment, so please wish us luck as we keep rocking to a stage near you!
MyConstitution is Mine
by barcode
Do you look around and think that nothing’s changed?
Do you ever feel like you’re restrained? They say
there’re thoughts you cannot convey,
ideas you can’t portray
you know there must be a better way
A nation just and free, a dream of liberty
Bound in a document of destiny, but today
we’ve let doubt lead us astray,
we’ve let fear stand in our way,
now we must realise we have a role to play
For no one can silence what you have to say
And no one can ever take your freedom away
No one can tell you the way to define
What you think, what you believe, MyConstitution is mine
We’ll be the change that our nation needs to see
We’ll turn the dream into reality to be
A land that’s peaceful and strong
Which fights for right against wrong
And all of its people united and free!
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
No matter who you are, no matter what defines you
There’s one thing you can always hold true
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
Lyrics & Music by Low Wen Zhen
Thin Izzy are Mark Ho on vox and lead electric guitar, Fritz on rhythm electric guitar, someone on bass and Simon Kang on drums
Shine A Light
by Thin Izzy
53 years ago a nation was born, into the hands of fate
It was the time, it was the place, it was a struggle, and the people couldn’t wait
For a new beginning and a new meaning, the future was in our eyes,
For a shining moment, we stood as one together, our hearts filled with pride
Now as years go by and the nation matures, like a boy into a man
Making an impact on the world and doing the best it can
But the lives of those subjugated by power and greed, began to take its toll
Laws that bind and take away and castigate the innocent, we began to lose our soul.
Shine a light
Shine a light
Shine a light on me
Shine a light on you
Shine a light on everything we do
Shine a light, with human rights.
And now its all in our hands and for those who live to be
Everything we were born to live and die for, to be proud and brave and free
For a moment know that all men are created equal, for a moment believe that it could be
That what reveals the truth from the lie, pulls the defenseless from the cruel
Is what’s inside of you and me.
You oughta know by now
What goes around right now will come around somehow
Yeah, but if you can see the light
It’s gonna be alright
The right to live with dignity
The right to life, liberty and security
The right to law and due process
The right to be free of arbitrary arrest and detention
The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
The right to privacy and freedom of movement
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
The right to freedom of expression
The right to peaceful assembly
The right to be you and me.
Lyrics & Music by Mark Ho
Azmyl Yunor on vox and acoustic guitar
Find Azmyl Yunor on http://www.myspace.com/azmylyunor or e-mail him at azmylyunor@gmail.com
One of the hardest gigging and prolific Malaysian indie/underground musicians for the past decade, Azmyl Yunor has dabbled in, amongst others, folk rock, punk, free-form instrumentals and experimental noise rock.
Having roots in the D.I.Y. punk ethos, he is fiercely independent and all of his solo recordings are released on his own Rapidear label (his earlier obscure cassette home recordings are out of print) and Troubadours.
A former street musician, he is known for his strong songwriting and energetic live shows. He has performed at festivals and venues in countries around the region and internationally such as Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Laos and Thailand.
He is a co-founder and member of the Experimental Musicians and Artists Co-operative Malaysia (EMACM) and a co-founder of Troubadours Enterprise (along with fellow singer-songwriters Jerome Kugan and Tan Sei Hon), organisers of the annual Malaysian singer-songwriter festival KL Sing Song.
Azmyl has just released his new CD album “Warga” (which comes with a limited live cd album titled “H.I.D.U.P.”) in May 2010 and has been actively touring to promote it.
Low of the Land
by Azmyl Yunor
Every drop of water that drops into your pail
Suffers the indignity of the economics of scale
You try, you try to cleanse yourself hoping to be born again
Only to be left hung out to dry and soaked in the rain
And like the way them flies
make it to a rotting piece of lamb
Our fate is sketched
and stretched across the borders of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land...
Oh yes...
This is the low... of the land
Thirty minutes out of town you calculate your escape
Only to realize you’ve sown what you reaped
You can keep your fingers crossed hoping for the lowest bid
But you know its rigged from the start,
now, who are you trying to kid?
The same land that you came from
The same land you begat
The same land that you laid on
The same land you’ll begat
The same land that you bled on
The same land you’ll defend
The same land you’ll be laid down... at the bitter end
Now the troops dry the ink on the imaginary line
That’s come to define what’s yours and what’s mine
But after all aren’t we all cut from God’s old dirty cloth
Only to be torn or ripped apart and boiled in the froth
Lyrics & Music by Azmyl Yunor
Temporary are Azfar on lead electric guitar, Zaiee on vox and rhythm acoustic guitar, Shun on keys, Dogo on bass and Apai on drums .
Contact Temporary at azfarts@gmail.com
Temporary started out as 5 dudes who just wanted to play music. As the name suggests, we had no intentions to play gigs or expand as a band. Being crammed up in a dorm room with our instruments was comfortable jamming out to Radiohead was comfortable enough.
But gee, zoning out to videos of Thom Yorke singing in front of thousands, we thought to ourselves, the view from up there must be pretty nice. So the band started out as a temporary distraction, but little did we know we kind of wished it’d stay permanent.
Besides Radiohead, we are all influenced by an eclectic mix of bands; from the likes of The Strokes, Nirvana, and Butterfingers. Still in its infancy stage, Temporary is eager to learn, grow and find a place in the Malaysian music scene.
Shrugs All Around
by Temporary
I could see a sea of harmonized shrugs
I could see a sea of folded arms
We can tell the difference between wrong and right
We can tell when you ain’t got nothing to say
We can tell the difference between black and white
But all my life i’ve been living in walls of grey
sleep safe and sound knowing that you’ve got all the power you need in your head
no don’t you shrug it off, nobody’s gonna get you down for what you keep under your bed
everybody knows
everybody knows
everybody knows
everybody knows nothing
If i could ever be the wind in the sky
i’d tell the whole neighborhood about you and i
but the streets are paved with the all-seeing eyes
and the parks at night are full of flashing light
i feel strangled, i think we’re living in a snowglobe
come on, and let’s slip away
breaking the mold of what is sacred
reserve your white flag for a rainy day
cos i’ve started to believe in this:
you feel what you wanna feel
you kiss who you wanna kiss
you say what you wanna say
you love who you wanna love
Lyrics & Music by Azfar
Lord Bobo’s Minions are
Fahri Azzat on vox and rhythm acoustic guitar, with help from Fritz on lead electric guitar, Izzy on bass and Simon Kang on drums.
Find Lord Bobo’s Minions on
www.loyarburok.com, the nation’s top blawg.
Better Than This
by Lord Bobo’s Minions
We’re waiting for the next plane
We’re soaked through from the hellfire rain
So here we are baggage packed on the terminal bench
And she’s crying and I’m sighing and we’re dying inside
No one cares for our absence
No one shares our reluctant reluctance
So there we are eyes wide shut on a wing and a prayer
And I run so she runs but it’s not to the sun
‘Where will we go?’ she says to me
‘Will we be the same?’ tearfully
I say, ‘Baby, I don’t know
But it’ll be better than this
Much more forgiving than this
So much sweeter and better than this.’
She’s clutching her small crucifix
I’m grasping some half forgotten verses
So here we go in the air no turning back
And she’s sad and I’m sad but we need it that bad
‘Where will we live?’ she asks of me
‘What shall we tell those who ask?’
I say, ‘Sweetheart, I don’t know
But it’ll be better than this
Tell them more honest than this
So much sweeter and better than this.’
Lyrics & Music by Fahri Azzat
The Sounders are Dayah on vox, Shaz on guitars, Azfar on bass and Luqman on drums and backing vox
Contact The Sounders at luqmanyahaya@gmail.com
The Sounders started playing together in 2008, but they have known each other for as long as they can remember. After all, it’s a band comprising of family members initially set up to play family functions.
They don’t discriminate music and anything goes as long as its music to their ears.
Lip Service
by The Sounders
Your stand seemed unbending
But no, they yield
I was promised many things
Of the freedom that I prefer
Hey are they just lip service?
Kiss my words away, my faith too
You’re a quest of unfulfilled dreams
Kiss my choice away
My liberty too
Reverence should be yours
Too pretentious to care
Do you dare keep your promises?
How far we’ve come, how long have you been slighted?
You’re no more than just lip service.
Lyrics by Dayah & Music by Shaz
An Honest Mistake are Darren Teh on lead vox and electric guitar, Sheryl on vox, Leonard on electric guitar, Baldwin on keys, Cottie on bass and Kevin on drums
Find An Honest Mistake at anhonestmistakeband.com , facebook.com/anhonestmistake, and myspace.com/anhonestmistakeisemo or
at info.anhonestmistake@gmail.com or avril_chan@hotmail.com
No other band is as representative of Malaysia’s rising indie scene as An Honest Mistake - inventive, energetic, enthusiastic, and colorful. The pop-punk/easycore sextet have been making waves for the past two years with their mix of addictive pop-punk with swirls of frenetic screamo, and as their recent Urbanscapes and Baybeats performances show, they’re here to stay.
Already holding the VIMA 2010 Best College Act award, An Honest Mistake also have a 7-track self-titled debut album out now, showcasing gems like This Song Is So Random I Don’t Know Why, which has seen radio airplay and remains one of their signature sing-along’s that’s instantly recognizable.
Juxtaposed directly with their affective ‘The Snake With Limbs’ , a song about betrayal and ‘I’m Down With You If You’re Down With It’, a 7-track album may not sound like much, but AHM manage to address an entire spectrum of emotions and situations into one neat purple package.
With a loyal surge of purple-clad Dino Warriors backing them up, Darren Teh, Leonard Chua, Sheryl Goh, Danny New, Kevin ‘Cottie’ Tan, and Kevin Theng are here to prove the sky’s the limit for Malaysian music- and AHM are leading the pack.
Let’s Battle It Out With Vesuvius The Great
by An Honest Mistake
This ship is going down
All hands on deck
Before they float away
Leaving you behind
Can’t see me through the fog, crashing on these waves
Close your eyes, we’re almost there
Gasp for air the shore is out of my reach
It’s too late to say goodbye, it’s too late to say goodbye
Brace yourself, they’re coming for us, they’re coming for us
And I’m afraid of the things to come
Have we lost our way somehow?
To the ones who said we’ll never make it
We’re still here; we made it through the night
The storm is just the beginning, we’ll brave through this
We’ll brave through this somehow
Captain, captain we are sinking
Can we get out of this?
Lyrics by Darren Teh & Music by Darren Teh & An Honest Mistake
MC Stiff on vox
Contact MC Stiff at khaizanrd@gmail.com
MC Stiff is a rapper from Borneo and 3 times TYGS KL Rap Battle Champion.
Moral Bankruptcy
by MC Stiff
POWER CORRUPTS and thats not even the worst scene,
ABSOLUTE POWER COrrupts absolutely,
i wonder how life could be,
Life takes its flight,
doesnt happen overnight,
when nobody’s living right,
all these new models are boondoggles,
policies that seem, hell-a-great,
how does it benefit the people? JyeaH! That’s the debate..
political patronage over people’s welfare,
minimal healthcare, but who the hell cares?
the problem is, the value of your promises,
diminishes, as your words finishes,
filling us with hope,
your chest fells tight when you walk the tight rope,
dictating our rights, but your deceitful lies shoW,
are all our needs fullfilled? No..
is this the nation that we sought to build? No..
from our global corruption
to rigging elections
the power struggle repeats,
as we ruled by elites,
the ironfist leader will never defeat it,
beacause power of our people stays undefeated,
when we gave them the power to democracy,
we didnt see,the misery that came with our choices,
giving pedophile voices, banning lifestyle choices,
arbitrary decisions now our thoughts would be,
now this wasnt the picture my mind depicted,
this wasnt the future that i predicted..
like the wings to a bird,
Rights are a precursor,
to bring you forward,
its absence will reverse ya,
please grant us our rights,
all of us are asking,
morals get a trashing,
without sorrows and compassion,
tomorrow ends up crashing,
and the horrors encompassing,
occurrences of violent strikes getting lives struck dead,
making all the classes of the masses have a massive bloodshed,
now imagine that..
when your people died
all your hopes and pride
slopes and slides
leaving nations left with genocides.
its a probable probability,
and it will probably,
be a commonality,
how do we regain the trust of society?
roadblock to peace in failed democracies..
Lyrics by MC Stiff & The S-ploited & Music by MC Stiff
Carburetor Dung (aka DUNG) are (from left) Merde - vocals, Excreta - bass , Poo - drums, Manure - guitar & Turd - guitar.
note: most unfortunately, the band’s de facto CEO, Datuk Total Waste, who was on a lengthy study trip to the Bahamas, didn’t make it.
The DUNG lurks at carburetordung.kerbau.com & facebook.com/carburetordung.page; email at therealcarburetordung@gmail.com
Ugly, Ugly, Ugly (So Ugly, We Had To Say It Three Times)
by Carburetor Dung
Do tell me one thing,
Do tell me what’s your story?
Do take a look here,
Where’s everything we hold dear?
Give back my senses,
Give me some space for breathing,
This world you’re selling,
You know I won’t be buying!
You are...
Do tell me two things,
These strings I see on your being,
Scissors to the reins, dear?
Or that’s the only tune you’ll hear?
Give up your dances,
I’m not your blind believing
This world you’re selling,
You know I won’t be buying!
You are...
You’re ugly
Too blind, too proud to see
Suffocates me
You’re ugly....
Too ugly...
So ugly...
Lyrics JK & Music by JK, Fendi & Bullet (aka The Shitworkers)
the maharajah commission (on this song) are azmyl yunor on mandolin and vox, farez jinnah on bass and ammar khairi on drums.
Find the maharajah commission at reverbnation.com/themaharajahcommission & www.myspace.com/themaharajahcommission
The band has been around since late 1999 and revolved around close college friends. Purveyors of the niche genre, avant noise, they hold no love for any one particular set of norms; sometimes bending them or expanding on them, they play fast and loose and love living on the edge and like the sight of jumping off a cliff.
While they have been laying dormant since their last album, dialogue amoureux in 2003, they have remained restless and reckless, fuelled by their day-job angst and a general disdain for the cookie cutter approach to life.
Where Got?by the maharajah commission“Where got?” he thought“This is plain daylight robbery,” he said to her “To do what?” she said“To go where?” she saidThe purpose of a nation is to place its situationin the greater scheme of nations given in faith or so it was writtenon that huge fakey colour fonted powerpointduring oin that decaf-ed morning lecture back on mondayI wasn’t paying much attention as I was stealing glancesto look at the cute small town girl Hannah, sitting two rows in front of meso demure, if only I could marry her but she wore a cross “Where got?” he thought“This is getting us nowhere,” she saidClutching her with his arms“To be more than..?” he said“To be something else?” she said “Hey!! Don’t go my place, baby!!” Where got?! When I asked a question, I only wished to offend cos words don’t matter much anymore to meI was surprised that you felt you had a say in my lifesince you failed to ease up, you know don’t know me how I’ll feel next time (a)roundWhere got??You don’t need to license love…!!!
Lyrics by azmyl yunor & farez jinnah and Music by the maharajah commission
Rule of Rock are Raynequella & Dx on vox, Big Daddy 2-Tone & K-Nail on guitars and Shah on bassFind Rule of Rock at deadalienx@hotmail.comSteeped in classic rock and blues influences, Rule of Rock started off this year. Four of its members are law students who thought it would be fun to start up a band in between exams. The name is a satirical take on the concept of the “rule of law”. You may find them performing at a pub near you after their next exams, regardless of passing or failing.
by Rule of Rock
Time has seen some changes in
the way we live our lives
Changes in the way we think and choose
But there is something we must
know and learn and understand
C’mon c’mon cuz there’s no time to lose
We are never too young to know
We are never too old to grow
We can’t sleep at night just waiting for the dawn
People show me that you care
We ain’t going anywhere
So pull your socks up, get your shoes on and rolll ...
My Constitution
We are comin to your town to
bring this word to you
A message for yer fam’ly and yer friends
Wake up wake up it’s gettin late
n there’s so much to do
C’mon, c’mon n shout it cross the land ..
C’mon, c’mon it’s not too late
The future’s in our hands
Take this message to your heart
And Shout it out cross the land
My Constitution
Lyrics by Dx and Music by Dx, K-nail and Big Daddy 2-Tone
The Panda Head Curry? are The Lord Panda on vox and electric guitar & The General Panda on vox, electric guitar and bass and The Baby? Panda on drums, vox and chicken
Contact The Panda Head Curry? at lord@pandaheadcurry.com, and visit their site at www.pandaheadcurry.com
The most famous band in the known and unknown universe, The Panda Head Curry?, are able to do the following, walk on water, divide by zero and not overflow, count to infinity, count to infinity and one and vaporize blocks of lead using only thought. They are extremely thoughtful, thrifty, friend to one and all. Having The Panda Head Curry? on your album was a pretty smart idea, bubba.
Joget Melayu Liberal
by Panda Head Curry?
Anak : Ayah?
Ayah : Ya, anakku.
Anak : Apakah makna “perlembagaan”?
Ayah : Hmm. Soalan yang amat bagus. Perihal perlembagaan, sebenarnya, anakku, lebih baik kita ADA PERLEMBAGAAN, daripada kita dikejar LEMBAGA yang seram.
Ayah : Oh ya, bila jumpa ibu kamu hujung minggu ini, jangan lupa beritahu dia, “Syaitan! Syaitan! Syaitan!”.
Inilah, kita_punya per-lem-ba-ga-an.
Buku yang agak tebal, dan banyak halaman
Kalau_ki-ta tiada_perlembagaan.
Kita akan hidup, sama macam haiwan.
Seperti arnab, rusa, landak_dan angsa.
Hari-mau bintang, dan ikan kelisa
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di tasik yang dalam dan hutan belentara, hey!
Perlem-ba-ga-an mung-kin sukar difa-ham.
Itu_adalah ke-ra-na ia_ditulis peguam
Kalaulah i-a ditulis jurutera.
Lebih jelas dan ringkas, banyak nombor dan carta
Juru-tera_ke-bang-aan Malaysia!
Bina pelantar minyak, pemanas air suria!
Belajarlah matematik, fizik dan kimia.
Nanti suatu hari, boleh jadi jurutera!
Mari, mari kita semua mengundi.
Tak kira pagi, petang atau te-ngah hari!
Kalau anda tidak mengundi, oh kawan.
Kamu akan hidup, sama macam haiwan!
Seperti tenggiling, obor-obor_dan kurita.
Beruang, anjing laut, di kutub utara
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di lautan yang dalam dan hutan belentara, hey!
Mengundi seronok, dan senang di faham.
Kalau kita mengundi, tidak perlu peguam.
Kalau tak mengundi, jangan pandai merungut.
Tak boleh beli bir, atau pergi rumah urut.
Daftarlah sekarang, sebelum terlambat.
Kalau lepas peluang, mungkin dimakan beruang.
Bawalah kawan, anak, ibu dan bapa.
Pergilah mengundi, tanpa kira usia!
Demokrasi ciptaan Yunani.
Mereka suka mousakka, dan berfilosofi.
Kalau tiada demokrasi, oh kawan.
Kamu akan hidup, sama macam haiwan!
Seperti burung tiong, cacing tanah_dan kelawar.
Pepijat, kuda belang, dan juga ular sawar
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di gua yang gelap, dan hutan belentara, hey!
Demokrasi, untuk semua manusia.
Peguam, orang kastam, dan juga jurutera
Orang dari Chad dan Jepun dan Mali.
Eskimo, Navajo, Senoi dan Benggali
Marilah kita amalkan demokrasi.
Setiap malam, setiap hari
Kalau mereka tamatkan demokrasi.
Kita tutup akaun, pindah ke negara demokrasi!
Kami ada hak! Kamu ada hak! Zia ul-Haq ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Ketahui hak anda! Ketahui hak dia! Ketahui hak semua!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Aishah ada hak! Kamala ada hak! Wei Wei ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Manusia ada hak! Robot belum ada hak!
Walaupun dia dari masa depan dan mau cari John Connor!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Jangan hilang! Jangan terpedaya! Jangan sesat!
Pegang ketat! Hak anda!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Bambang ada hak! Mutuveloo ada hak! Chin Wong Lau ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Lyrics by The Lord Panda and Music by The Panda Head Curry?
27 million Malaysians. 11 million voters. 4 million more eligible Malaysians who haven’t registered to vote. A Federal Constitution that guarantees all of us rights, freedoms and a democratic system of government that answers to us. But how many Malaysians know this?
The MyConstitution Campaign
The MyConstitution Campaign has been running since November 2009. Our aim is to educate Malaysians from all walks of life on the Federal Constitution, to teach them about their rights and our system of government. We run forums and workshops all across Malaysia, from universities to schools, from Orang Asli kampungs to the cities and towns of East Malaysia. We publish “The Rakyat Guides”, booklets that explain in simple language, what the Federal Constitution says.
The Campaign is non-profit and the dedicated 200 Malaysians in the Bar Council’s Constitutional Law Committee who run this Campaign do it on a voluntary basis.
A song is an expression of free speech. Making music is the freedom to express yourself. Musicians coming together to make music is freedom of association. Fans coming together to listen to music is freedom of assembly.
Music is an assertion of democracy and with it, the exploration of the themes rights, elections and democracy. These themes are the subject matters of the recently released The Rakyat Guides: 8. Fundamental Liberties & Citizenship and the forthcoming The Rakyat Guides: 9. Elections & Democracy.
We could think of no better way to demonstrate the fundamental rights we are all guaranteed under the Federal Constitution than to make an album about it.
We have brought together an eclectic bunch of people to tell you in their own irreverent, sometimes irascible but always insightful style what fundamental rights, elections and democracy are to them.
We hope that in some small and meaningful way, it sparks in you the freedom to ask questions you never thought possible and empower your lives.
Your Rights and Freedoms
– Fundamental and Guaranteed!
Do you know what your rights and freedoms are? Do you know what they mean? Here are some of the rights and freedoms the Federal Constitution guarantees all of us:-
You have a right to life and personal liberty. Having a right to life means you have a right to livelihood and a certain quality of life. Having a right to liberty also means having a right to privacy.
All of us are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection of the law. We cannot be discriminated against simply because of our religion, ethnicity, descent, place of birth or gender. There are exceptions, but these exceptions are few.
You also have freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and freedom to associate. So, you are free to say what you want, get together with whomever you want and form a group for whatever reason you want. Again, these freedoms can be restricted, but only for reasons permitted by the Constitution and must only be where they are reasonably necessary.
You have the freedom to profess and practise any religion you want.
You cannot be discriminated in education only because of religion, race, descent or place of birth.
Learn more about your rights and freedoms in the The Rakyat Guides: 8. Fundamental Liberties & Citizenship details of which are available on www.perlembagaanku.com
Elections and Democracy
The Federal Constitution sets up a system for the governance of Malaysia. It is a “democratic” system which means that the people of Malaysia decide on who is to run the country.
We elect the Members of Parliament (MPs) who sit in the Dewan Rakyat in Parliament. These MPs make laws for the whole country and oversee how the Federal Government runs the country.
By electing MPs to the Dewan Rakyat, we also decide who forms the Federal Government. This is because the Prime Minister of the country is the MP who has the confidence of the majority of the MPs in the Dewan Rakyat. This normally means that the leader of the political party that has the most MPs in the Dewan Rakyat will become the Prime Minister of the country. The other Ministers who form the Federal Government are appointed with the approval of the Prime Minister.
We also elect members of the State Assembly (ADUNs) of our respective States. These ADUNs make laws for their respective States and oversee how their State Government runs the State.
By electing ADUNs to a State Assembly, we also decide who forms the Government of that State. This is because the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar of the State is the ADUN who has the confidence of the majority of the ADUNs in the State Assembly. This normally means that the leader of the political party that has the most ADUNs in the State Assembly will become the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar of the State. The other members of the State Government are appointed with the approval of the Chief Minister or Menteri Besar.
Learn more about elections in the The Rakyat Guides: 9. Elections & Democracy details of which are available on www.perlembagaanku.com
Learn more about the MyConstitution Campaign and RadioDemokratika at:
• www.perlembagaanku.com
• www.malaysianbar.org.my/constitutional_law_committee
• www.facebook.com/MyConstitution
• www.twitter.com/MyConsti
• www.youtube.com/user/PerlembagaanKu
If you have any queries or if you’d like to contribute to the Campaign, send us an e-mail to perlembagaanku@gmail.com
or write to:
Constitutional Law Committee
Bar Council Secretariat
No. 15, Leboh Pasar Besar
50050 Kuala Lumpur
t:03.2031.3003 // f: 03.2026.1313
barcode are See Xien on vox, Paul Linus Andrews on both acoustic & electric guitars, Cilia Chong & Soo Jin Yun on keys, Farez Jinnah on bass, Khor Bin Yun on drums; with the fun sizes - Maha Balakrishnan, Cilia Chong, Khor Bin Yun, Joanne Leong, Melissa Sasidaran, Soo Jin Yun, Yvonne Young Ai Peng - on backing vox, and claps by the fun sizes and Syahredzan Johan.
A call to action led to several brave and sexy members of the MyConstitution campaign coming together to record the official campaign theme song.
Comprising of students, practising lawyers, loyar murtad and everything in between, all are nonetheless committed to the cause and to making good music! After being ‘whispered’ to by professional musician Zalila Lee, the band was ready to kick ass and present this track to you lovely listeners.
This is but the first step in a twofold journey of enlightenment and entertainment, so please wish us luck as we keep rocking to a stage near you!
MyConstitution is Mine
by barcode
Do you look around and think that nothing’s changed?
Do you ever feel like you’re restrained? They say
there’re thoughts you cannot convey,
ideas you can’t portray
you know there must be a better way
A nation just and free, a dream of liberty
Bound in a document of destiny, but today
we’ve let doubt lead us astray,
we’ve let fear stand in our way,
now we must realise we have a role to play
For no one can silence what you have to say
And no one can ever take your freedom away
No one can tell you the way to define
What you think, what you believe, MyConstitution is mine
We’ll be the change that our nation needs to see
We’ll turn the dream into reality to be
A land that’s peaceful and strong
Which fights for right against wrong
And all of its people united and free!
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
No matter who you are, no matter what defines you
There’s one thing you can always hold true
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
For no one can silence what we have to say
And no one can ever take our freedom away
No one can tell us the way to define
What we think, what we believe, MyConstitution is mine
Lyrics & Music by Low Wen Zhen
Thin Izzy are Mark Ho on vox and lead electric guitar, Fritz on rhythm electric guitar, someone on bass and Simon Kang on drums
Shine A Light
by Thin Izzy
53 years ago a nation was born, into the hands of fate
It was the time, it was the place, it was a struggle, and the people couldn’t wait
For a new beginning and a new meaning, the future was in our eyes,
For a shining moment, we stood as one together, our hearts filled with pride
Now as years go by and the nation matures, like a boy into a man
Making an impact on the world and doing the best it can
But the lives of those subjugated by power and greed, began to take its toll
Laws that bind and take away and castigate the innocent, we began to lose our soul.
Shine a light
Shine a light
Shine a light on me
Shine a light on you
Shine a light on everything we do
Shine a light, with human rights.
And now its all in our hands and for those who live to be
Everything we were born to live and die for, to be proud and brave and free
For a moment know that all men are created equal, for a moment believe that it could be
That what reveals the truth from the lie, pulls the defenseless from the cruel
Is what’s inside of you and me.
You oughta know by now
What goes around right now will come around somehow
Yeah, but if you can see the light
It’s gonna be alright
The right to live with dignity
The right to life, liberty and security
The right to law and due process
The right to be free of arbitrary arrest and detention
The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
The right to privacy and freedom of movement
The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
The right to freedom of expression
The right to peaceful assembly
The right to be you and me.
Lyrics & Music by Mark Ho
Azmyl Yunor on vox and acoustic guitar
Find Azmyl Yunor on http://www.myspace.com/azmylyunor or e-mail him at azmylyunor@gmail.com
One of the hardest gigging and prolific Malaysian indie/underground musicians for the past decade, Azmyl Yunor has dabbled in, amongst others, folk rock, punk, free-form instrumentals and experimental noise rock.
Having roots in the D.I.Y. punk ethos, he is fiercely independent and all of his solo recordings are released on his own Rapidear label (his earlier obscure cassette home recordings are out of print) and Troubadours.
A former street musician, he is known for his strong songwriting and energetic live shows. He has performed at festivals and venues in countries around the region and internationally such as Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Laos and Thailand.
He is a co-founder and member of the Experimental Musicians and Artists Co-operative Malaysia (EMACM) and a co-founder of Troubadours Enterprise (along with fellow singer-songwriters Jerome Kugan and Tan Sei Hon), organisers of the annual Malaysian singer-songwriter festival KL Sing Song.
Azmyl has just released his new CD album “Warga” (which comes with a limited live cd album titled “H.I.D.U.P.”) in May 2010 and has been actively touring to promote it.
Low of the Land
by Azmyl Yunor
Every drop of water that drops into your pail
Suffers the indignity of the economics of scale
You try, you try to cleanse yourself hoping to be born again
Only to be left hung out to dry and soaked in the rain
And like the way them flies
make it to a rotting piece of lamb
Our fate is sketched
and stretched across the borders of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land
Oh yes...
This is the low of the land...
Oh yes...
This is the low... of the land
Thirty minutes out of town you calculate your escape
Only to realize you’ve sown what you reaped
You can keep your fingers crossed hoping for the lowest bid
But you know its rigged from the start,
now, who are you trying to kid?
The same land that you came from
The same land you begat
The same land that you laid on
The same land you’ll begat
The same land that you bled on
The same land you’ll defend
The same land you’ll be laid down... at the bitter end
Now the troops dry the ink on the imaginary line
That’s come to define what’s yours and what’s mine
But after all aren’t we all cut from God’s old dirty cloth
Only to be torn or ripped apart and boiled in the froth
Lyrics & Music by Azmyl Yunor
Temporary are Azfar on lead electric guitar, Zaiee on vox and rhythm acoustic guitar, Shun on keys, Dogo on bass and Apai on drums .
Contact Temporary at azfarts@gmail.com
Temporary started out as 5 dudes who just wanted to play music. As the name suggests, we had no intentions to play gigs or expand as a band. Being crammed up in a dorm room with our instruments was comfortable jamming out to Radiohead was comfortable enough.
But gee, zoning out to videos of Thom Yorke singing in front of thousands, we thought to ourselves, the view from up there must be pretty nice. So the band started out as a temporary distraction, but little did we know we kind of wished it’d stay permanent.
Besides Radiohead, we are all influenced by an eclectic mix of bands; from the likes of The Strokes, Nirvana, and Butterfingers. Still in its infancy stage, Temporary is eager to learn, grow and find a place in the Malaysian music scene.
Shrugs All Around
by Temporary
I could see a sea of harmonized shrugs
I could see a sea of folded arms
We can tell the difference between wrong and right
We can tell when you ain’t got nothing to say
We can tell the difference between black and white
But all my life i’ve been living in walls of grey
sleep safe and sound knowing that you’ve got all the power you need in your head
no don’t you shrug it off, nobody’s gonna get you down for what you keep under your bed
everybody knows
everybody knows
everybody knows
everybody knows nothing
If i could ever be the wind in the sky
i’d tell the whole neighborhood about you and i
but the streets are paved with the all-seeing eyes
and the parks at night are full of flashing light
i feel strangled, i think we’re living in a snowglobe
come on, and let’s slip away
breaking the mold of what is sacred
reserve your white flag for a rainy day
cos i’ve started to believe in this:
you feel what you wanna feel
you kiss who you wanna kiss
you say what you wanna say
you love who you wanna love
Lyrics & Music by Azfar
Lord Bobo’s Minions are
Fahri Azzat on vox and rhythm acoustic guitar, with help from Fritz on lead electric guitar, Izzy on bass and Simon Kang on drums.
Find Lord Bobo’s Minions on
www.loyarburok.com, the nation’s top blawg.
Better Than This
by Lord Bobo’s Minions
We’re waiting for the next plane
We’re soaked through from the hellfire rain
So here we are baggage packed on the terminal bench
And she’s crying and I’m sighing and we’re dying inside
No one cares for our absence
No one shares our reluctant reluctance
So there we are eyes wide shut on a wing and a prayer
And I run so she runs but it’s not to the sun
‘Where will we go?’ she says to me
‘Will we be the same?’ tearfully
I say, ‘Baby, I don’t know
But it’ll be better than this
Much more forgiving than this
So much sweeter and better than this.’
She’s clutching her small crucifix
I’m grasping some half forgotten verses
So here we go in the air no turning back
And she’s sad and I’m sad but we need it that bad
‘Where will we live?’ she asks of me
‘What shall we tell those who ask?’
I say, ‘Sweetheart, I don’t know
But it’ll be better than this
Tell them more honest than this
So much sweeter and better than this.’
Lyrics & Music by Fahri Azzat
The Sounders are Dayah on vox, Shaz on guitars, Azfar on bass and Luqman on drums and backing vox
Contact The Sounders at luqmanyahaya@gmail.com
The Sounders started playing together in 2008, but they have known each other for as long as they can remember. After all, it’s a band comprising of family members initially set up to play family functions.
They don’t discriminate music and anything goes as long as its music to their ears.
Lip Service
by The Sounders
Your stand seemed unbending
But no, they yield
I was promised many things
Of the freedom that I prefer
Hey are they just lip service?
Kiss my words away, my faith too
You’re a quest of unfulfilled dreams
Kiss my choice away
My liberty too
Reverence should be yours
Too pretentious to care
Do you dare keep your promises?
How far we’ve come, how long have you been slighted?
You’re no more than just lip service.
Lyrics by Dayah & Music by Shaz
An Honest Mistake are Darren Teh on lead vox and electric guitar, Sheryl on vox, Leonard on electric guitar, Baldwin on keys, Cottie on bass and Kevin on drums
Find An Honest Mistake at anhonestmistakeband.com , facebook.com/anhonestmistake, and myspace.com/anhonestmistakeisemo or
at info.anhonestmistake@gmail.com or avril_chan@hotmail.com
No other band is as representative of Malaysia’s rising indie scene as An Honest Mistake - inventive, energetic, enthusiastic, and colorful. The pop-punk/easycore sextet have been making waves for the past two years with their mix of addictive pop-punk with swirls of frenetic screamo, and as their recent Urbanscapes and Baybeats performances show, they’re here to stay.
Already holding the VIMA 2010 Best College Act award, An Honest Mistake also have a 7-track self-titled debut album out now, showcasing gems like This Song Is So Random I Don’t Know Why, which has seen radio airplay and remains one of their signature sing-along’s that’s instantly recognizable.
Juxtaposed directly with their affective ‘The Snake With Limbs’ , a song about betrayal and ‘I’m Down With You If You’re Down With It’, a 7-track album may not sound like much, but AHM manage to address an entire spectrum of emotions and situations into one neat purple package.
With a loyal surge of purple-clad Dino Warriors backing them up, Darren Teh, Leonard Chua, Sheryl Goh, Danny New, Kevin ‘Cottie’ Tan, and Kevin Theng are here to prove the sky’s the limit for Malaysian music- and AHM are leading the pack.
Let’s Battle It Out With Vesuvius The Great
by An Honest Mistake
This ship is going down
All hands on deck
Before they float away
Leaving you behind
Can’t see me through the fog, crashing on these waves
Close your eyes, we’re almost there
Gasp for air the shore is out of my reach
It’s too late to say goodbye, it’s too late to say goodbye
Brace yourself, they’re coming for us, they’re coming for us
And I’m afraid of the things to come
Have we lost our way somehow?
To the ones who said we’ll never make it
We’re still here; we made it through the night
The storm is just the beginning, we’ll brave through this
We’ll brave through this somehow
Captain, captain we are sinking
Can we get out of this?
Lyrics by Darren Teh & Music by Darren Teh & An Honest Mistake
MC Stiff on vox
Contact MC Stiff at khaizanrd@gmail.com
MC Stiff is a rapper from Borneo and 3 times TYGS KL Rap Battle Champion.
Moral Bankruptcy
by MC Stiff
POWER CORRUPTS and thats not even the worst scene,
ABSOLUTE POWER COrrupts absolutely,
i wonder how life could be,
Life takes its flight,
doesnt happen overnight,
when nobody’s living right,
all these new models are boondoggles,
policies that seem, hell-a-great,
how does it benefit the people? JyeaH! That’s the debate..
political patronage over people’s welfare,
minimal healthcare, but who the hell cares?
the problem is, the value of your promises,
diminishes, as your words finishes,
filling us with hope,
your chest fells tight when you walk the tight rope,
dictating our rights, but your deceitful lies shoW,
are all our needs fullfilled? No..
is this the nation that we sought to build? No..
from our global corruption
to rigging elections
the power struggle repeats,
as we ruled by elites,
the ironfist leader will never defeat it,
beacause power of our people stays undefeated,
when we gave them the power to democracy,
we didnt see,the misery that came with our choices,
giving pedophile voices, banning lifestyle choices,
arbitrary decisions now our thoughts would be,
now this wasnt the picture my mind depicted,
this wasnt the future that i predicted..
like the wings to a bird,
Rights are a precursor,
to bring you forward,
its absence will reverse ya,
please grant us our rights,
all of us are asking,
morals get a trashing,
without sorrows and compassion,
tomorrow ends up crashing,
and the horrors encompassing,
occurrences of violent strikes getting lives struck dead,
making all the classes of the masses have a massive bloodshed,
now imagine that..
when your people died
all your hopes and pride
slopes and slides
leaving nations left with genocides.
its a probable probability,
and it will probably,
be a commonality,
how do we regain the trust of society?
roadblock to peace in failed democracies..
Lyrics by MC Stiff & The S-ploited & Music by MC Stiff
Carburetor Dung (aka DUNG) are (from left) Merde - vocals, Excreta - bass , Poo - drums, Manure - guitar & Turd - guitar.
note: most unfortunately, the band’s de facto CEO, Datuk Total Waste, who was on a lengthy study trip to the Bahamas, didn’t make it.
The DUNG lurks at carburetordung.kerbau.com & facebook.com/carburetordung.page; email at therealcarburetordung@gmail.com
Ugly, Ugly, Ugly (So Ugly, We Had To Say It Three Times)
by Carburetor Dung
Do tell me one thing,
Do tell me what’s your story?
Do take a look here,
Where’s everything we hold dear?
Give back my senses,
Give me some space for breathing,
This world you’re selling,
You know I won’t be buying!
You are...
Do tell me two things,
These strings I see on your being,
Scissors to the reins, dear?
Or that’s the only tune you’ll hear?
Give up your dances,
I’m not your blind believing
This world you’re selling,
You know I won’t be buying!
You are...
You’re ugly
Too blind, too proud to see
Suffocates me
You’re ugly....
Too ugly...
So ugly...
Lyrics JK & Music by JK, Fendi & Bullet (aka The Shitworkers)
the maharajah commission (on this song) are azmyl yunor on mandolin and vox, farez jinnah on bass and ammar khairi on drums.
Find the maharajah commission at reverbnation.com/themaharajahcommission & www.myspace.com/themaharajahcommission
The band has been around since late 1999 and revolved around close college friends. Purveyors of the niche genre, avant noise, they hold no love for any one particular set of norms; sometimes bending them or expanding on them, they play fast and loose and love living on the edge and like the sight of jumping off a cliff.
While they have been laying dormant since their last album, dialogue amoureux in 2003, they have remained restless and reckless, fuelled by their day-job angst and a general disdain for the cookie cutter approach to life.
Where Got?by the maharajah commission“Where got?” he thought“This is plain daylight robbery,” he said to her “To do what?” she said“To go where?” she saidThe purpose of a nation is to place its situationin the greater scheme of nations given in faith or so it was writtenon that huge fakey colour fonted powerpointduring oin that decaf-ed morning lecture back on mondayI wasn’t paying much attention as I was stealing glancesto look at the cute small town girl Hannah, sitting two rows in front of meso demure, if only I could marry her but she wore a cross “Where got?” he thought“This is getting us nowhere,” she saidClutching her with his arms“To be more than..?” he said“To be something else?” she said “Hey!! Don’t go my place, baby!!” Where got?! When I asked a question, I only wished to offend cos words don’t matter much anymore to meI was surprised that you felt you had a say in my lifesince you failed to ease up, you know don’t know me how I’ll feel next time (a)roundWhere got??You don’t need to license love…!!!
Lyrics by azmyl yunor & farez jinnah and Music by the maharajah commission
Rule of Rock are Raynequella & Dx on vox, Big Daddy 2-Tone & K-Nail on guitars and Shah on bassFind Rule of Rock at deadalienx@hotmail.comSteeped in classic rock and blues influences, Rule of Rock started off this year. Four of its members are law students who thought it would be fun to start up a band in between exams. The name is a satirical take on the concept of the “rule of law”. You may find them performing at a pub near you after their next exams, regardless of passing or failing.
by Rule of Rock
Time has seen some changes in
the way we live our lives
Changes in the way we think and choose
But there is something we must
know and learn and understand
C’mon c’mon cuz there’s no time to lose
We are never too young to know
We are never too old to grow
We can’t sleep at night just waiting for the dawn
People show me that you care
We ain’t going anywhere
So pull your socks up, get your shoes on and rolll ...
My Constitution
We are comin to your town to
bring this word to you
A message for yer fam’ly and yer friends
Wake up wake up it’s gettin late
n there’s so much to do
C’mon, c’mon n shout it cross the land ..
C’mon, c’mon it’s not too late
The future’s in our hands
Take this message to your heart
And Shout it out cross the land
My Constitution
Lyrics by Dx and Music by Dx, K-nail and Big Daddy 2-Tone
The Panda Head Curry? are The Lord Panda on vox and electric guitar & The General Panda on vox, electric guitar and bass and The Baby? Panda on drums, vox and chicken
Contact The Panda Head Curry? at lord@pandaheadcurry.com, and visit their site at www.pandaheadcurry.com
The most famous band in the known and unknown universe, The Panda Head Curry?, are able to do the following, walk on water, divide by zero and not overflow, count to infinity, count to infinity and one and vaporize blocks of lead using only thought. They are extremely thoughtful, thrifty, friend to one and all. Having The Panda Head Curry? on your album was a pretty smart idea, bubba.
Joget Melayu Liberal
by Panda Head Curry?
Anak : Ayah?
Ayah : Ya, anakku.
Anak : Apakah makna “perlembagaan”?
Ayah : Hmm. Soalan yang amat bagus. Perihal perlembagaan, sebenarnya, anakku, lebih baik kita ADA PERLEMBAGAAN, daripada kita dikejar LEMBAGA yang seram.
Ayah : Oh ya, bila jumpa ibu kamu hujung minggu ini, jangan lupa beritahu dia, “Syaitan! Syaitan! Syaitan!”.
Inilah, kita_punya per-lem-ba-ga-an.
Buku yang agak tebal, dan banyak halaman
Kalau_ki-ta tiada_perlembagaan.
Kita akan hidup, sama macam haiwan.
Seperti arnab, rusa, landak_dan angsa.
Hari-mau bintang, dan ikan kelisa
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di tasik yang dalam dan hutan belentara, hey!
Perlem-ba-ga-an mung-kin sukar difa-ham.
Itu_adalah ke-ra-na ia_ditulis peguam
Kalaulah i-a ditulis jurutera.
Lebih jelas dan ringkas, banyak nombor dan carta
Juru-tera_ke-bang-aan Malaysia!
Bina pelantar minyak, pemanas air suria!
Belajarlah matematik, fizik dan kimia.
Nanti suatu hari, boleh jadi jurutera!
Mari, mari kita semua mengundi.
Tak kira pagi, petang atau te-ngah hari!
Kalau anda tidak mengundi, oh kawan.
Kamu akan hidup, sama macam haiwan!
Seperti tenggiling, obor-obor_dan kurita.
Beruang, anjing laut, di kutub utara
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di lautan yang dalam dan hutan belentara, hey!
Mengundi seronok, dan senang di faham.
Kalau kita mengundi, tidak perlu peguam.
Kalau tak mengundi, jangan pandai merungut.
Tak boleh beli bir, atau pergi rumah urut.
Daftarlah sekarang, sebelum terlambat.
Kalau lepas peluang, mungkin dimakan beruang.
Bawalah kawan, anak, ibu dan bapa.
Pergilah mengundi, tanpa kira usia!
Demokrasi ciptaan Yunani.
Mereka suka mousakka, dan berfilosofi.
Kalau tiada demokrasi, oh kawan.
Kamu akan hidup, sama macam haiwan!
Seperti burung tiong, cacing tanah_dan kelawar.
Pepijat, kuda belang, dan juga ular sawar
Bergaduh, membunuh, dan_memakan_sesama.
Di gua yang gelap, dan hutan belentara, hey!
Demokrasi, untuk semua manusia.
Peguam, orang kastam, dan juga jurutera
Orang dari Chad dan Jepun dan Mali.
Eskimo, Navajo, Senoi dan Benggali
Marilah kita amalkan demokrasi.
Setiap malam, setiap hari
Kalau mereka tamatkan demokrasi.
Kita tutup akaun, pindah ke negara demokrasi!
Kami ada hak! Kamu ada hak! Zia ul-Haq ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Ketahui hak anda! Ketahui hak dia! Ketahui hak semua!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Aishah ada hak! Kamala ada hak! Wei Wei ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Manusia ada hak! Robot belum ada hak!
Walaupun dia dari masa depan dan mau cari John Connor!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Jangan hilang! Jangan terpedaya! Jangan sesat!
Pegang ketat! Hak anda!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Bambang ada hak! Mutuveloo ada hak! Chin Wong Lau ada hak!
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
Lyrics by The Lord Panda and Music by The Panda Head Curry?
Tentang Jom Bangkit
Bangkit, a project of the Youth Outreach program of Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia began as a platform to stimulate Malaysian Youth into becoming socially and politically aware and taking an interest in their own future and the future of the nation.
The maiden project of the jomBangkit campaign was the Bangkit Collection – a compilation of songs composed and performed by young Malaysians about their nation and the things that matter to them. This project resulted in a remarkable collection of songs that cuts across musical genres and social niches. The CD that was the outcome of this project has been well received and can be purchased from Bangkit CD sales.
This website is now available for the next youth project. We are seeking ideas and volunteers. If you wish to suggest something that we can do, write to us at yo-sabm@gmail.com.
Remaja Malaysia, jom Bangkit!
Bangkit, a project of the Youth Outreach program of Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia began as a platform to stimulate Malaysian Youth into becoming socially and politically aware and taking an interest in their own future and the future of the nation.
The maiden project of the jomBangkit campaign was the Bangkit Collection – a compilation of songs composed and performed by young Malaysians about their nation and the things that matter to them. This project resulted in a remarkable collection of songs that cuts across musical genres and social niches. The CD that was the outcome of this project has been well received and can be purchased from Bangkit CD sales.
This website is now available for the next youth project. We are seeking ideas and volunteers. If you wish to suggest something that we can do, write to us at yo-sabm@gmail.com.
Remaja Malaysia, jom Bangkit!
Tentang Bijou Bazaar
A diet of sprawling shopping malls and cookie cutter boutiques has left consumers saturated yet unfulfilled, It's not more products we crave, but an exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. First piloted in July 2007, Bijou Bazaar seek to offer a corrective to today's soulless shopping landscape by yoking commerce to culture. The organising would normally carry three elements: retail lab, installation space and noise venue. In doing so, Bijou Bazaar has also positioned itself as a social enterprise offering a platform, incubating specific young creative micro retailers to test the viability of their retail mix with the right niche marke
A diet of sprawling shopping malls and cookie cutter boutiques has left consumers saturated yet unfulfilled, It's not more products we crave, but an exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. First piloted in July 2007, Bijou Bazaar seek to offer a corrective to today's soulless shopping landscape by yoking commerce to culture. The organising would normally carry three elements: retail lab, installation space and noise venue. In doing so, Bijou Bazaar has also positioned itself as a social enterprise offering a platform, incubating specific young creative micro retailers to test the viability of their retail mix with the right niche marke
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